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Albany, GA Study Group

Est. May 2019

Welcome to SSG Albany, GA, established in 2019! The group is forming around the Knighton family, all of whom are lifelong enthusiasts of medieval history as well as having an interest in martial arts. 

Moving forward, we'd like to increase our training focus so as to encompass all the skills and philosophy that made a knight. We're starting with the sword in two hands, unarmoured, following the SSG curriculum. 

We are lucky in that we have a number of groups we can draw from for expertise, including SSG Montgomery, SSG Atlanta, and study groups in Pensacola, and Mobile. 


Soft - Rawlings trainers are currently our standard.

We are oriented towards the medieval feats of arms, so we try and get folks armoured up as quickly as possible! 

We do a lot of sparring, and holding Company of Saint George style Pas d'Armes (medieval style feats of arms)


Before sparring, students must become members of the SSG, Inc., which is $35/year. 

Currently none. May change if we get our own site. 


2pm - 4pm

5pm - 7pm 

Knighton Home

1725 W. Oakridge Dr.
Albany, GA, 31707

(email for lot #)

11am - 1pm 
SSG Core Beginner

We follow the Compagno curriculum as outlined on the website, with the Tuesday session giving a second look at the same material. 

thomas.knighton at 


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Tom Knighton, Study Group Leader

thomas.knighton at 


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