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The Schola Saint George was established (1999) by the Company of Saint George (1992). The first modern "tournament company," the group inspired many others around the world, emphasizing historical forms of the late medieval feat of arms and encouraging authentic armour, clothing and heraldic presentation, as well as chivalric conduct.


"Renown is the coin of the tourneyer," Dr. Price wrote in his 1996 popular essay book, The Book of the Tournament (available on Amazon). Renown remains the core concept governing the conduct of SSG companions. 


The pas d'armes was the focus of our research during the 1990s; it's a challenge format popular in the late 14th and into the 15th century. 


Today the SSG still participates in and sponsors medieval-style feats of arms, though in the American south, HEMA tournament participation is more common. Many groups, such as Honolulu and DFW, hold regular pas d'armes several times per year. 


The Savannah study group, SSG Charleston, and SSG Atlanta participate in numerous HEMA tournaments, seeking success and international rankings. Medals are not uncommon in longsword, sword and buckler, and ringen (wrestling). While the pas d'armes was a pastime of the chivalric nobility, HEMA tournaments are a sport anchored in the 16th century urbane cultures of Europe. 


Starting in 2001, the SSG began to hold annual symposia, bringing in historical swordsmanship instructors from around the world. Our last international event was held in 2006, though the SSG holds a smaller annual symposium and tournament, hosted on one of the branches. 


At a Symposium, intermediate/advanced students and SSG instructors hold classes, both "sword in hand," academics, and on coaching. Guests will also present other perspectives and a diverse array of sword / hand weapon arts. Finally, one or more tournaments will enable combatants to test their prowess and their character, earning renown for themselves and for the SSG.  


A pas d'armes is a special event; combatants try to equip themselves as authentically and boldly as possible with heraldic cottes, armour and weapons. 

2019 Symposium

Atlanta, GA   |  12-14 July 2019

Deer Lick Park 

May it be known that, from July the Twelfth through July the Fourteenth in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Ninety-nine, Schola Saint George shall be hosting their annual Symposium in Pensacola, Florida with the support of the University of West Florida Fencing Club. All students of arms who wish to demonstrate their skill are welcome to attend. On July the Twelfth, we shall hold a Prize Tournament, with special prizes for the greatest combatants in the lance (6’ spear), the sword in two hands, and the sword and buckler, as well as the greatest amongst us. On July the Thirteenth, we shall hold our formal Pas d’Armes, classes, testing for Scolaro Maggiore and above, and our feast. On July the Fourteenth, we shall have classes and testing for all ranks.


All tournaments shall have the following minimum equipment standards:

Synthetic weapons shall be of the Knightshop, Penti, or Blackfencer varieties, or of similar manufacture. Steel weapons shall flex at least ½” when a 6oz weight is hung from the point. All bouts will be fought with matched construction.


Masks shall include protection for the back of the head. For steel combat, this protection must be rigid. Plastic, thick leather (13oz or heavier), hardened 8oz or heavier leather, or minimum 16g mild steel are all appropriate.


Gorgets shall include rigid protection for the thoracic vertebrae if this protection is not otherwise provided.


A gambeson or time period-appropriate clothing shall be worn. For steel combat, the armpits must be covered by cloth, maille, or similar protection.

Rigid elbow and knee protection is required, with forearms and shins recommended.


Rigid groin protection is required.


Hand protection shall be addressed by weapon. In general, however, HEMA-approved gloves and historically constructed gauntlets are sufficient.

  • SSG  2018 Symposium & Tournament - Norman Medieval Faire
    SSG  2018 Symposium & Tournament - Norman Medieval Faire
    Fri, Apr 06
    Apr 06, 2018, 9:00 AM – Apr 08, 2018, 1:00 AM
    Apr 06, 2018, 9:00 AM – Apr 08, 2018, 1:00 AM
    Come along for three days of classes, tournaments, and fun! This year we're hosting classes by the Armoured Combat League, SSG, and SCA cut & thrust folks.

Tournament Resources

2017 - Tax Day Pas D'Armes

2017 - Tax Day Pas D'Armes

2017 - Tax Day Pas D'Armes
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SSG Honolulu pas d'armes 2017 Apr. Sam holds the field 3 v BJ

SSG Honolulu pas d'armes 2017 Apr. Sam holds the field 3 v BJ

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SSG Honolulu pas d'armes 2017 Apr. intermezzo over the barrier!

SSG Honolulu pas d'armes 2017 Apr. intermezzo over the barrier!

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SSG Honolulu pas d'armes 2017 Apr. 2nd pass Tom v Andrew

SSG Honolulu pas d'armes 2017 Apr. 2nd pass Tom v Andrew

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SSG Tournaments 2008-2010

SSG Tournaments 2008-2010

SSG Tournaments 2008-2010
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Winter 2010 DFW Tournament First Pass
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Winter 2010 DFW Tournament First Pass

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