School of Chivalric Martial Arts
Est. May 2022
Welcome to the Seattle Area SSG Study Group! We are brand new, led by Harley Names, who began with the Schola in Mobile, AL.
We're about 68 miles from Seattle, in a town called Sequim.
We're enthusiastic about both sword and dagger! Most of us are using synthetic swords. We're assembling gear, but are practicing in the meantime...we're enthusiastic and learning fast. Come on down!
Synthetic swords for most; we do have some rebated weapons and would like to move in that direction.
Tournaments are on the agenda; we're just not yet sure if we'd like to do the feats-of-arms and pas d'armes style or HEMA-format ones yet.
Before sparring, students must become members of the SSG, Inc., which is $35/year.
Currently none. May change later
Saturdays, 1pm
Port Angeles, Elks Playfield
526 W 14th St, Port Angeles,
WA 98362
Sword in Two Hands -
and dagger!