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Aloha! We have regular Sunday and Thursday classes at the Diamond Head end of Kapiolani Park: 1-4pm Sunday, and 6:30 - 8:30pm Thursday. Please RSVP and contact us for exact locations (e.g. by which picnic table) as well as other classes. Check out our Facebook and Meetup pages as well.


This is the program for more historically minded practitioners of the sword. We will learn history by doing it. Our goal is to fight good and look good doing it. The class is driven by the following goals:

     1. Progress through the Schola Saint George. Teach to the curriculum and administer tests as needed to allow students to learn and grow.

     2. Inspired by the Company of Saint George, we will have the goal of competing in and hosting tournaments where we can exercise our prowess. To this end, we will strive for exceptional swordsmanship and a superior presence on the field. Students will be encouraged to work towards high quality, historically accurate kits. In the far future, I see us traveling to events held on the mainland and elsewhere and kicking butt when we get there. There are no prerequisites to join, we encourage as many as possible to join, but there are equipment and armor requirements to test and move up in the structure. Also, we wish to continue the spirit of inclusion, so students should continue to attend other meeting, classes, practices. This includes SSG, SCA, HEMA, and others. This should be a fun, intense get together to give students the tools to then go home and practice or do research. Tuesday class structure: Please be armored up and ready, we will begin promptly at 5pm. We will do 30-45 minutes of focused drills and plays in preparation for advancement tests. Then will be 30-45 talk story session. We will discuss plays, armor, history, general Fiorian knowledge, etc. This will be a directed discussion, lecture, and/or question and answer period. The field will then be open to free sparring. Helmet time is crucial to be a great fighter.


Kapiolani park is located in Waikiki. We have a number of great instructors, and a really fun bunch. Visiting? Come check us out!  Mahalo nui loa!


SSG Honolulu trains with nylon or poly swords. The Rawlings are a favorite. Beginners generally acquire a HEMA-style mask to start, but are quickly encouraged to acquire an arming coat (gambeson), and good gauntlets. 


Before sparring, students must become members of the SSG, Inc., which is $35/year. 


Monthly fees for SSG Honolulu are $30/month. 


Our main practice! 


"3 block" structure 

 hour 1 - group fundamentals

 hour 2 - curriculum by levels

 hour 3 - advanced & sparring


Very friendly way to try it out! Third hour is focused on the advanced students, but everyone else can either jump ahead or do open sparring!

Kapiolani Park



6:30-8:30 pm
Kapiolani Park 
(near the tennis courts)


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