School of Chivalric Martial Arts
The SSG has been around since 1999, but it was only in 2015 that we introduced our Instructor Certification Program. The program recognizes advanced SSG students' teaching ability, and it conveys the power to conduct advancement testing.
Instructors first achieve Scolaro Maggiore recognition in their own pursuit of the l'arte d'armizare; foster at least two students through Scolaro advancement; and prepare for and pass a certifying oral test conducted by a board of SSG instructors.
Candidates may either come into the program through self-nomination or, more commonly, through the nomination of an SSG instructor.
Instructors also participate in development of the official SSG curriculum through the Instructor's Council; in this way the Schola strives to expand the core curricula with new modules developed for advanced use, or with modifications to the core curriculum.