300 N. Bridge Street, Wetumpka, AL 36092

Be it known that, on the 14th and 15th of October, in the year of Our Lorde 2022, that the right noble New Company of Saint George resolves to hold the field in a pas d’armes against all comers, in and out of armour, at the Price family demense in the town of Wetumpka, Alabama.

¶ Item: The purpose of this emprise is to exercise prowess with knightly weapons and to celebrate the ideals as pertain to a worthy knight, man or lady at arms, honoring our ancestors and exercising in both body and character the virtues to which chivalry aspires. These virtues are understood to be courage, loyalty, prowess, courtesy, fidelity, largesse, faith, and humility, among others. Demonstration of these virtues shall result in renown also known in the English tongue as worthiness.
¶ Item: Any combatant, consort or escort may participate, if they are known to the hosts. Combatants are expected from diverse backgrounds, including the SCA, HEMA, armoured combat, and similar organizations. Combats will be held to encourage cross organization exercise and celebration. The pas and vespers tourneys will be conducted as piloted and championed long ago by the Company of Saint George, the first Tournament Company of the modern era, as an exemplary event.
¶ Item: Participants are encouraged to prepare. Armour should be repaired; shields and banners are generally repainted or created; fighting tunics or houpelandes are made, as are new dresses and dinner clothing; gifts brought; and, most importantly, all are encouraged to read a new chivalric romance or chronicle in preparation, declaring which they have read during the invocation, and the chivalric deed within that most inspires them on this day. While not a re-enactment event, we hope every effort will be made to enhance our chivalric stage with period clothing, raiment, arms, armour and accoutrement.
¶ Item: On the Friday eve before the pas will be held a Vespers Tournament, fought as a béhourd, especially for those not equipped with armour appropriate to a knight or manatarms.[1] As a béhourd it will be fought with weapons akin to baleen, with armour of cloth or cuirboille or similar.[2] Rubber tipped spears in matched lengths may be used. By exception, single handed rebated swords and sword and buckler may be used. The tourney will begin at the hour of seven in the evening and will be followed with a chivalric round table and helmschau, discussing the virtues and vices that pertain to knights, men at arms and ladies.[3]
¶ Item: On Saturday morning, at the hour of ten in the morning, gentles will gather for the armoured pas d’armes at the hour of ten, prepared to hear to invocation and to take the field.
¶ Item: On Saturday evening, we will hold a feast to recall the day’s events and to celebrate the many fine deeds of arms seen through the day and on the previous evening.[4] Combatants, consorts and escorts are encouraged to bring an authentic chivalric story to tell in the evening.
¶ Item: Any gentlemen or lady known unto the hosts may participate in the pas as a venan, or challenger, so long as they bear armour and weapons suitable for a suitable knight or man at arms.[5] Combats will be held using the Company of Saint George feats of arms rules-set, with combats available in both à plaisance and à outrance formats.
¶ Item: The tenans will consist of gentles who last year founded the New Company of Saint George; to wit, Alex Cooley, aka Duke Sir Baldar; Jon Chamberlain, aka Duke Sir Garrick; Brian R. Price, aka Earl Sir Brion; Andrew Mackenzie, aka Baron Andrew; Bryan Johnson; Sam Fishburne; Lonnie Colson and Gene Arnold. New Companions will doubtlessly be made on the day, in recognition of the attainment of both franchise and renown.[6]
¶ Item: In a break with tradition, two passes will be made “in the round”; that is, any combatant may challenge any combatant, venan or tenan. This will enable tenans or venans to challenge one another, though rounds will be longer as a result.
¶ Item: There will be a Tree of Shields presented, offering four styles of combat. Challengers will give their challenge, touching the shield appropriate to their chosen style. The same will apply at the vespers tournament and pas d’armes.
¶ Item: Argent (white): à plaisance, counted blows to 1, 3, 5 or 7
¶ Item: Noir (black): à plaisance, to satisfaction
¶ Item: Or (yellow): à plaisance, “through the glass” (timed, without pauses)
¶ Item: Gules (red): à outrance (armour counts), with a judge, or to satisfaction.
¶ Item: An optional barrier will be placed in the center of the field. Combatants may use it for combats or have it removed at their pleasure. This may be used for either the vespers tourney or for the pas d’armes.
¶ Item: In combats à plaisance, combatants will call their own blows. Double-strikes count against both combatants, so long as the second blow began before the first lands. The marshals of the host will halt a fight only if there is a safety issue, but may be consulted in a combatant is unsure. In combats à outrance, combats to satisfaction will be halted by the combatant who indicates satisfaction, or they may use one or more judges, according to the wishes of the challengers.
¶ Item: The pas will be fought in four passes, with intermezzi melees in between. In each pass, three challengers will lead the field in making their challenges first, based on their renowned actions in the previous pass. Combatants may choose to fight with any style of knightly weapon available, including daggers, swords in one hand or two, spears, and poleaxes. Shields and bucklers may be used. The challenger will determine, if agreed upon by the tenan challenged, which weapons will be used. The same will be done for the vespers list, which will be three rounds only, on the night prior.
¶ Commençaille – batons, fought to first blood and three good blows received
¶ Item: Pass #1 – venans challenge tenans
Lanza (spear) melee – random color team selection
¶ Item: Pass #2 – challenge “in the round”
Bachelors hold the field (if present)
¶ Item: Pass #3 – tenans challenge venans
Open weapon melee – random weapon/random team selection
¶ Item: Pass #4 – à outrance, challenge “in the round”
¶ Champion’s Pass – as requested by the gallery or combatants
¶ Item: The pas will be fought with any weapon acceptable to the combatants and the host, to include rebated steel (with suitable tip covering), synthetic or rattan.[7] Combatants must “match” weapon materials, so it is encouraged that combatants bring two of any given weapon they wish to compete with, that their opponents might have access to something similar. Poleaxes and hammers must be made from synthetic or equivalent material; steel axes will not be allowed as most combatants are not experienced in their use.
¶ Item: Thrusts will be allowed; as will strikes with any element of the weapon (pommel, hilt, haft, etc.). Strikes with the hands and feet are allowed, though unless they are telling, they should not count towards points. Any combatant may make a grip against any weapon, or against their opponent’s body, though he may neither lock nor throw without prior agreement made at the time of the challenge. Grappling is not encouraged for combatants who have not completed the zogho stretto SSG module or possessing a background in grappling martial arts.
¶ Item: Following the four passes, combatants will be selected by the combatants or gallery to conduct two final fights for the enjoyment and education of the gallery and the participants, while three others will be called out for their prowess and expressions of chivalric virtue.
¶ Item: The fighting is expected to continue until 3pm. Afterwards, the field will be available for ad hoc sparring or instruction until the dinner preparations begin at 5pm. There is a possibility of classes being held on Sunday morning, but this remains undetermined.
¶ Item: In the event that rain expected on the day of the pas, we will make use of a nearby covered pavilion.
Entry Fee: $20 for combatants.
Guests of combatants, $0 (though donations accepted!)
Spectators, $10
Saturday BBQ dinner, $25
The Vespers tournament is intended as a venue for combatants, especially novices and combatants who regularly participate in HEMA, who do not have full armour or who wish to participate in a lightly armoured challenge list. It is a lighter contact version of the pas d’armes. Combatants shall have at least the minimal protective gear listed below, and shall strike appropriately for the gear worn by their opponent. While HEMA-type gear is allowed, medieval-style gambesons, helmets, and gauntlets are preferred, and an effort to cover sports equipment with medieval-style torses, mantels and fighting tunics is to be encouraged.
1. Medieval appearance is preferred, but not required.
2. Weapons (By agreement between the combatants): In general, “soft” poly weapons, or equivalent, are for use by the more novice combatants. “Hard” poly weapons or wooden batons may be used by mutual agreement and with special care for the amount of force employed. By agreement and with the right equipment, lightweight rebated steel weapons may be used. Weapon materials must be matched between combatants!
a. Swords (two handed):
i. Soft Poly (Red Dragon, Revival); all combatants
ii. Hard Poly (Pentii and similar); by agreement & with extra control needed
iii. Batons or Rattan; by agreement & with extra control needed
iv. Rebated Steel (by agreement & with approval of the hosts), light contact
b. Swords (one handed):
i. Soft Poly (Red Dragon, Revival); all combatants
ii. Hard Poly (Pentii and similar): by agreement & with extra control needed
iii. Rebated Steel (lighter models); by mutual agreement
c. Spears/Lanze:
i. Revival or Purpleheart, length 6’ maximum
d. Daggers
i. Cold Steel, Rattan w/tips, Rebated steel with flex
e. Shields & Bucklers:
i. May be employed by agreement
ii. No striking with shields in the Vespers tourney
Head: Medieval-style helmet with segmented occularia (eye-slots) or reinforced mask. We request, but do not require, a torse and mantel or other covering for modern gear.
Throat: Aventails, gorgets or collar that prevents weapon access to the throat, when the helmet or mask is worn.
Body: Medieval style gambeson preferred, but HEMA-jackets acceptable. Covering modern sporting gear with a medieval style tunic or houppelande is requested.
Hands: Gauntlets preferred; minimum Lacrosse-style sport gloves or equivalent.
Groin: Modern groin protection, or medieval equivalent.
Limbs: Protective gear for the limbs are optional in the Vespers tournament. Elbow protection in particular is recommended.
In this late fourteenth, early fifteenth century style challenge tournament, combatants must equip themselves in cap à pied medieval harness. Authenticity, cohesion and artistic quality in the combatant’s arms, armour and fighting equipment is requested. All effort should be made to present as authentic an appearance as possible, though allowance will be made for novice combatants, who are encouraged to take to the field as best they can within these requirements. As the list is considered to be fully armoured, no fencing or HEMA masks are allowed; combatants must have some form of medieval-style helmet. Given the shortage of good gauntlets, some allowance will be made for hand protection for this tournament, but perhaps not in future ones. Details such as medieval shoes, arming clothes, belts and accoutrement are strongly encouraged as goals for pas d’armes participants, and for aspirants to the Company of Saint George in particular. The goal is ultimately is to have all participants in re-enactment level equipment.
1. Medieval appearance is required.
2. Weapons We are allowing a wide latitude of choice with respect to weapon simulators, ranging from soft poly, hard poly, batons and rattan, and rebated steel weapons. In any given bout the weapons chosen will be agreed upon by the combatants, with no loss of renown for denying a particular weapon or class for which one is not prepared.
a. Weapon materials must be matched
b. Combatants must mutually agree on weapons to be used
c. Swords & Falchions
i. Batons, poly simulators (hard or soft), rebated steel by mutual consent
d. Spears/Lanze:
i. Revival or Purpleheart, length 6’, but some steel spears may be available
e. Poleaxes/Polehammers
i. Rubber or modern baleen (dense plastic).
f. Daggers
i. Cold Steel, Rattan w/tips, Rebated steel with flex
g. Shields & Bucklers:
i. May be employed by agreement.
ii. Shields may be used to strike but they do not count as “points”
h. Grappling
i. No joint locks or takedowns, except with advanced approval & agreement.
Head: Medieval-style helmet with segmented occularia (eye-slots) or reinforced mask. The helmet is the focal point for a combatant’s field appearance, so it’s worth investing effort and resources. Torses, mantels and crests are recommended but not required. No grilled helmets allowed for any fights except with poleaxes or batons.
Throat: Aventails, gorgets or collar that prevents weapon access to the throat, when the helmet or mask is worn.
Body: Medieval style gambeson, or modern protection completely covered with a medieval-style fighting tunic or houppelande. Minimum armour level a mail shirt, though this could be a liability in à outrance engagements!
Hands: Medieval-style gauntlets; mittens, hybrid mittens, or gatling-styled fingered gauntlets with felt or equivalent padding.
Groin: Modern groin protection.
Limbs: Protective gear for the limbs should be recognizable medieval forms.
Dr. Brian R. Price
[1] On Friday morning the field will be set up at the Price house. Combatants and the gallery may arrive any time during Friday, or by prior arrangement, Thursday evening. Some sleeping space in tents is available, and there is parking all along the property on the south side. Vehicles may come onto the property to unload, but should then be moved to parking. There is a workshop available for armour repair, and limited crash space available. Local hotels are nearby, and there an RV park less than two miles from the house. Contact us at chronique_editor@yahoo.com for our address and to inquire about lodging. [2] Baleen was the flexible material from the Sperm whale, used alongside thin ash wands. Today we can use “soft” synthetic weapons (Revival poly or Red Dragon), or thin (~1”) batons of hickory or ash. A reinforced fencing mask, gambeson/jacket and at least padded gloves are minimum protection for the vespers tourney, though medieval equipment is encouraged, and selected armour encouraged. Helmet, gambeson and gauntlets are also allowed. [3] Dinner on Friday is ad-hoc. There are restaurants in the area that have take-out in downtown Wetumpka. The helmschau will take place around the campfire, which will be the place we’ll gather to discuss the chivalric virtues. [4] $20 is requested to support the feast. This will not be a medieval style dinner, but should prove satisfying! [5] A reasonable attempt at historical equipment is requested. No obviously modern shoes, jackets, padded gloves, allowed; a helmet, throat and limb protection, heavy gambeson minimum on the body. Heraldic presentation strongly encouraged. As thrusting with rebated weapons is allowed, no helmet should allow a point easy access to the ocular region, nor should the throat be significantly exposed. More authentic equipment honors both participants and the tournament sponsors, so is strongly encouraged. [6] The New Company of Saint George is a re-establishment of a concept we piloted in the 1990s, where the goal was to encourage chivalric conduct through more authentic tournament formats, especially the pas d’armes. Combatants are expected to be known for their renown in terms of both conduct and prowess, and to have or be working on more authentic gear than is/was usually seen on the SCA/HEMA/rebated league fields. But chivalric renown is #1. [7] In armour, synthetic weapons may include “hard” synthetics, such as Pentii or Blackfencer, as well as soft.